Introducing ‘CPA Marketing Genius’
Dear Fellow Marketer,
As a savvy operator you’ll know – despite what the gurus claim – just how hard it is to get folks to whip out their credit cards and buy what you are selling.
So imagine being able to offer them something for free – such as a sample of a product or some helpful information – and receive a nice commission when they go ahead.
I’m sure you can immediately see presenting your prospect with an attractive offer, where they don’t need to spend any money, will make their sales resistance melt like an ice cream in the desert, sending your conversion rates soaring.
Welcome to the wonderful world of CPA
And here’s just a couple of examples of the sort of money you can make, despite your prospect not having to buy anything…
Getting your prospects to just fill in their email address can pay from $1.40 per name toas much as $30!
And, if your prospects complete a more detailed form, it pays you even more – from $8 to as much as $100!
But There’s A Problem. And It’s A Pretty Big One!
You see, the CPA market has changed dramatically recently as it has become more established. That means most of the CPA information you can get your hands on is a waste of your precious time and money because it is hopelessly out of date.
So, if you’ve been struggling to make serious money with CPA you’ll be glad to know…
It’s not your fault
Because you’ve been taken advantage of.
But that’s about to change dramatically.
Happily, you are now in the right place at the right time to be one of the very first lucky folks to take advantage of this brand new, straight from the CPA coal face expose, containing everything you need to turn you into a CPA Black Belt, lightening fast.