Welcome back to my channel. I hope you’re having a fantastic day. Today’s video is in all honesty, is super awkward for me to make I never thought I would talk about my weight on the internet As you guys may know, about 6 months ago, 5 and a half months ago, my husband and I went vegan overnight after watching Gary Yourofsky’s famous speech, and yeah, six months later, I can’t believe how much it has actually changed my life and I feel like my story, it may help some of you out there watching this so that is why I am doing this. The Vegan diet helps to weight loss, showing the Facts Even though I am not that comfortable showing you guys the pictures I am going to show you and all this kind of stuff, but if I can help someone out there that is struggling, then that is why I am making this video. I guess let’s start at the beginning, so growing up I was always a super skinny kid never really had like obesity really in my family or I was never overweight, growing up I was always pretty skinny, through high school, through college, when I started putting on some weight was when I got married, like a lot of couples, or not married, I would say, after I was in a serious relationship with my now husband, about a year in, we both started to put on substantial amounts of weight we met in Switzerland, and we moved to the United States together and that is when things started kinda go downhill, we started to go to a lot of drive-throughs, eating a lot of junk food, and and we were no longer getting, like, any exercise We met in Switzerland where we were walking all the time and our life was just a bit more balanced than in the US where all of the sudden we had cars and drive-throughs, and walking was no longer really something we did very often So I have some pictures here this is when, you know, we were engaged, super happy, but super unhealthy and we were both very self-conscious about our weight all the time and, yeah, it was just not good. You Have to Want Weight Loss The first great mental challenge to weight loss is that it has to be something that you want. No one can lose the weight for you and losing weight and keeping it off takes time and dedication. It’s much easier to put in that time and dedication if losing weight and keeping it off is personally important to you. You have to really want it, the motivation can be extrinsic or intrinsic, the latter is the one that will really help you lose weight, since it is the one that is born from within. If it is not something that you really want to do, you will not be able to follow the diets, the laziness will get you not to train and you will not achieve your goal. Having self-discipline is something of vital importance for an objective such as losing weight. The Firsts Thougts We were always just thinking we need to lose weight, we need to work out, we need to eat healthier, we need to diet, we need to try things, we need to restrict our calories and, I would go up and down, sometimes I felt really good about my weight but most of the times I felt like I had some pounds to lose. I was the typical person who always felt like they could always lose an extra 10 or 15 pounds. And as a person who was always very thin when I was younger, you know, when Matias and I first met, I was very thin, this was very frustrating, because I thought, I couldn’t really do anything about it other than work out all the time. But I’ve never been the person who enjoys working out, so I always just felt, kinda stuck, like, I don’t know, like wanting to lose weight, but not being motivated enough to work out and, there was just never a good solution for either of us. Finding The Motivation Even my husband is a super thin guy, he started putting on weight as well, and he just was feeling super self-conscious, and I could see that in him, and he could see that in me, and it just wasn’t good. And of course we knew if we eat healthy and exercise we will lose weight and be healthy and it won’t be a good decision, but we never had the motivation in us to do it and that is why going vegan has been so important. Because it gives you a reason bigger than just your own personal health and your own personal life. Going vegan you can improve the planet and you can save a million animals that get killed every year so we can eat them, even though they make us sick and overweight. So we didn’t go vegan for the weight loss, it was certainly something I was hoping was true when everyone was talking about it. But we definitely went vegan for the ethics after I saw some of the stuff that I saw on the internet. I no longer could consider myself a reasonable person if I would continue to take part in the animal product industry and, yeah, after I saw what I saw, I just couldn’t partake in that at all, it was an easy decision overnight for both my husband and for me. Showing Some Results I have here a picture from the day 1 on our vegan journey yeah, this even isn’t me at my highest weight, yeah this was me actually feeling somewhat okay about my weight, which is funny now, because I will show you the after picture in a second and it’s quite a dramatic difference,
What is CPA Marketing All About?
What is CPA Marketing All About? CPA Marketing, which is short for Cost Per Action Marketing, is an online marketing method along the lines of Click Per View and Cost Per Click. It works much like those online marketing methods, because CPA Marketing is based on triggering actions from website visitors to drive sales. However, whereas CPV is geared towards getting website visitors to see an ad without having to click on it, and CPC is all about getting website visitors to click on an ad without further action, CPA requires its publishers to get their prospects to complete a specific action. That is why it is called CPA or Cost Per Action, because the action that has to be completed by prospects can be anything from clicking on a landing page to be redirected to an offer, or to complete simple forms to opt for a product or survey. The key here is the offer. Cost per Click and Cost per View advertising commonly forward people directly to a product page on an ecommerce site, or to a rich media or content rich site that is being promoted by the advertiser. An offer is a description of a product or service that is being extended to the prospect. The prospect then has the option to obtain what is being offered. The actions needed for the prospect to complete will greatly depend on what is being offered and the benefits they will receive from it. For example, a survey offer will often require prospects to enter their email addresses to participate. Free online gaming offers will require them to simply click on a “play now” button to access a gaming page, where ads are shown between free gaming sessions. Those are easy-access CPA offers that can be leveraged by publishers to make quick, steady money, as long as the offers they are promoting remain popular. They are easy to promote, because they only require prospects to complete some simple steps that often lead them to get something for free, and they can be universally promoted. On the other hand, there are offers that require a greater commitment from prospects, such as auto loan and credit offers. Those are the kinds of offers that will ask people for sensible information, such as zip codes, addresses and credit card information. All those factors determine how much you’ll get as a commission for each acquisition. Now, you might have noticed that we have mentioned “cost per action” and “cost per acquisition” without getting deeper into what they mean to you. How does it work? We’ve covered the most commonly used CPA jargon, so let’s recap and provide you with some of the CPA marketing process from start to finish, and your role in it based on your business activities, as well as the most used CPA terminology. Thus far, you have learned that Cost-per-action, the name that we originally used to represent the CPA acronym, means that people reached by a CPA ad need to complete an action for it to be considered a success. What this completed action leads to is payout. That means that the action determines its cost. Hence, the more complex an action is, the more it asks of the prospects and the longest it takes them to complete, and the more you get paid for it. An alternative meaning for CPA is Cost-per-acquisition, because this time the CPA ad requires prospects not to only complete a specific action like a click, but to be “acquired” by the advertising company. Once a prospect has entered their contact information, be it physical or electronic, it is considered an “acquisition”, and the publisher gets paid for it. These completed actions and acquisitions are known as conversions. When you get a prospect seeing an ad, clicking on it and completing the action or data submit required, it is considered an acquisition. If a prospect was to see an ad, click on it and not complete the required action, it is not considered a conversion. Conversions are why you are paid in CPA marketing, much like you get paid for clicks or views in CPC and CPV marketing. How can you participate on it? As you can see, depending on how committed you are to work on your CPA ads, and research the market for what you want to promote, you can definitely start raking in some good passive income quickly, but how can you take part in it? To participate in CPA marketing and profit from it you first need to know the structure that makes up the CPA marketing ecosystem. It is shaped by three main elements: the network, the advertisers and the publishers. The networks are the backbone. You won’t be able to find CPA offers to promote without the networks. CPA networks are the place where all CPA elements converge. There, advertisers and publishers can find each other to collaborate in online marketing business. Advertisers are the providers of the offers. They are the ones that enter CPA networks to make their offers available to publishers interested in promoting them. They create offers around products they want to advertise, and they do so with the help of the publishers. The publishers are the ones responsible of promoting CPA offers. They are the ones that get paid to spread the word of a product online. A publisher enters a CPA network and looks for the offers that he or she wants to work on and promote. It applies to promote the offer, and, once he or she gets approval from the advertiser, they can start working on the means to be used in the promotion. In your case, as an individual looking to make some good money online through passive means, you’ll be the publisher. Start checking around and working on what you need to start running your own online advertising venture!
YouTube Channel Income Tips – Video 1/16
Video Course with 16 Lessons about YouTube Channel Income Tips This is a complete collection of 16 High Definition videos with step by step content. Here’s the breakdown: In Video #1: which is the Introduction video, you will get a detailed explanation of what will be included in the complete training, so that you can have a clear vision of what to expect from it. In Video #2: You will find out about YouTube and its importance in present day business environment. In Video #3: You will learn how to set up and run a profitable YouTube Channel step by step. In Video #4: There are certain essential elements that go a long way in making your YouTube channel a success. Whether you have just started video marketing or have been doing it for years, you will find valuable insights and key essentials here. In Video #5: The tips in this video will understand the essentials for monetizing your YouTube channel and turn it into a money machine. In Video #6: In this video, you will find tips to promote Merchandise on Your YouTube Channel In Video #7: Find some of the proven strategies for beauty vloggers to grow their channel audience faster in this video. In Video #8: You will find tips to create and run a gaming channel on YouTube. In Video #9: You will find ways How to Guest Vlog on YouTube And Get More Channel Views. In Video #10: You will find actionable tips and Advanced Tactics for Promoting Your YouTube Channel and Increasing Subscribers you can start using today to drive traffic. In Video #11: You’ll discover Best Tips on Profitable YouTube Advertising & Promotion In Video #12: You will find how to drive sales using YouTube Cards In Video #13: You will find the latest and best YouTube Channel SEO Tips for 2017 In Video #14: You will find out how Analytics can help you measure and improve your YouTube channel’s performance. In Video #15: You will find out How to make YouTube a part of Successful B2B Marketing Funnel. This strategy can generate good income for your channel. In Video #16: You will find out the latest and best in the market Tools and Apps to grow your YouTube Channel. Have a quick demo of our Videos to assure you of our quality content: To Learn More, Please, Visit our Site: Internet Marketing Academy
THOUGHTS-BELIEFS-ATTITUDES-BEHAVIORS What are the root energies behind our Behaviours? Let us concentrate on the three main processes: Experiences generate THOUGHTS. They create BELIEFS, and BELIEFS produce ATTITUDES and BEHAVIOURS. 1.- THOUGHTS. I would say that Thoughts are what create our mind. Little by little, on the basis of our experiences, our thoughts emerge and form the contents of our minds. However, your thoughts are not the true essence of who you are. It comes as no surprise that thoughts are likely to change as you mature. A critical thing to realise is that thoughts are not necessarily facts. In the early childhood, thoughts derive from the facts we experience. So, depending on the experiences we live, our mind generates different and according thoughts. To associate with your thoughts is misleading since some thoughts are not useful. I friend of mine, frequently tells me: “Be carefull of what you thing… Because you will get it!” I understand that thoughts are the origin of things. And repeated thoughts become Beliefs. So, it is quite clear that thoughts may become things. So, we should treat them, not as simple brain activity, but as truly powerful forces that may have far reaching consequences. Therefore, verifying your thoughts is a very powerful tool to understand which thoughts are lying to you. In other words: a beautiful way to learn to understand which of your thoughts are not true, is by verifying them. As I was telling before, thoughts are originated by our experiences. And repeated thoughts create beliefs and attitudes. 2.- BELIEFS. Beliefs are thoughts that have penetrated deep into our mind, leaving a hard to erase trace. Frequently beliefs can have subtle influences on our judgments and learnings. Core beliefs can even be associated with various mental illnesses. Our beliefs can act as huge barriers that stop us giving 100 percent to something. Self limiting beliefs can and will make you fail. Beliefs can actually change the way our brains work in such a way that situations, which would normally be opportunities, are rejected and disregarded by your brain SIMPLY BECAUSE the way you have programmed your mind through negative experiences, and the story you tell yourself, stops you from making the most of them. So yes, irrational beliefs can and do lead to harm. Our limiting beliefs can cause us to miss out on the things that we want most and our empowering beliefs can drive us toward to the life we want to live. So, in short, your beliefs can limit or unleash your potential. As if they were a baggage, you take them almost always with you. Yes, beliefs can be empowering or limiting in nature. But the great news is that negative beliefs can be undone and substituted with ones that will empower us. Negative beliefs can be changed; all it takes is digging a little deeper. Challenging your beliefs can make them disappear or become stronger. By challenging I mean to inquiry about their origins and deeply understanding why they emerged in our mind. 3.- BEHAVIOURS. Our deep beliefs create our attitudes and from there our behaviors appear. Spiritual beliefs can help people find meaning of life, and can also influence their feelings, behaviors and mental health. Its now clear that beliefs can control your actions, behavior and potential. In addition, the behaviours often vary according to the age and maturity level of the person(s) involved. Behaviours often fluctuate during the day. We, as adults, should not react against the experiences we experience. We should surrender to them and let life teach us the lesson we need to learn at every moment. With mental alertness, we will realize the thoughts that arise, we will understand and accept them and we will express a responsible and mature behavior. In closing: Considering the existence of a universal mind, result of the sum of the individual thoughts of the people that exist or have existed, we also have beliefs that generate our culture and education. And, consequently, all of this results in group behaviors that condition the society in which we live. “Our Self Improvement creates Global Improvement.” Please, leave me your comments below. Thank you.
10 easy steps to help your business flourish on Facebook
Whether your business is new to Facebook marketing or just in need of a refresh, columnist Will Scott’s Facebook tips will help you build a vibrant and engaged Facebook presence. If your business isn’t making itself visible on Facebook, then you’re missing out on one of the most cost-effective places to meet new customers. Everyone is aware of the popularity of Facebook, but not as many people appreciate the opportunities available to businesses that develop a social media presence. With social media, you have unprecedented control over your brand image, and you can put your message in front of the users who are most likely to be interested. Use these simple tips to take advantage of the internet’s most popular social media platform. 1. Flesh out your Facebook page Even if you already have an engaging and user-friendly website, take some time to completely fill out a Facebook page for your business. Include pictures of your storefront and staff, to make your business trustworthy and relatable. Your Facebook presence gives you a foot in the door with social media users who are looking to learn more without leaving their social media app. Be sure to include contact information, hours of operation and a link to your website. 2. Schedule frequent and consistent posts Once you have pictures and information about your business, an active page should also have relatively frequent posts. Try to post original content at least once a week, but prioritize quality over quantity. Posting several times a day might annoy your fans, causing them to unlike or unfollow your page. When you post blog updates or other business announcements, Facebook posts allow you to amplify that message to a wider audience. Direct social media users to visit your blog or special offers page. 3. Learn about your customers Once your page has attracted some attention, the Audience Insight tools gather quantitative information about the people who like and visit your page. Learn more about their demographics, and use that information to reach out to new groups. If your page is attracting more middle-aged women than expected, for example, then you may want to include posts that are particularly relevant for those potential customers. You can also make a point of reaching out to customers in other age groups to explore untapped markets. 4. Pay attention to — and encourage — reactions and comments Pay attention to the posts that get reactions and comments. Comments generally indicate a higher level of engagement because it takes more time to type a response than to simply hit “Like,” though the variety of new reactions provide more information than the older “likes.” Depending on your target audience, you may want to elicit a wide range of reactions to make your brand more relatable. Be careful about responding to negative comments, but invite dissatisfied customers to call or email directly. When your business does engage, interaction should be succinct and professional. 5. Post content that gets shared Even for a business page, social media can feel like a popularity contest. When more users share your post, your message goes a lot farther, hopefully generating leads for your business. Of course, not all popular content will be appropriate for your brand. Be especially careful of posts and links that could have political implications or alienate potential customers. It’s best to avoid controversial subject matter and stick to your area of expertise. 6. Stay engaged If your business replies quickly to messages on Facebook, then others will be able to see that your page is active and responsive. Make sure your posts are relevant to your target audience in order to get a response, and try to focus on things that readers will genuinely find useful or newsworthy. Present yourself as a resource for timely and interesting industry news. Consider engaging with your employees through their social media pages, too. 7. Connect with the community Stay relevant by posting information about local festivals and other regional news. If your business is connected with charitable organizations, then social media gives you an opportunity to highlight that connection. Post photos of your employees when they volunteer with local non-profits, and show the community how your brand has a positive impact. As a bonus, when you have an active Facebook page, other businesses and profiles can link their posts and thank-you announcements to your page. 8. Post and share events Create Facebook events for your next big sale. When events are happening in the community, you can draw attention to those as well. Many businesses fail to leverage events as opportunities to promote their social media page. Given the number of people on Facebook, creating an event page can also increase the turnout for your real-world event. Facebook events make it easy for users to invite friends and see how many people plan to attend. 9. Pay for advertising Once you collect a few hundred fans on Facebook, you’ll notice that your posts don’t seem to get as many views as they should. Your posts don’t necessarily get 50 times more exposure when your page has 50 times more followers. This gives new pages and startups an advantage when they first develop a following, but larger business can still have a big impact on Facebook. Paying for advertising allows you to target people with interests relevant to your industry. You can also target specific demographics and areas to maximize your advertising dollar. 10. Build social media into your SEO budget Like updating your website for search engine optimization, social media is a long-term project for your business. You may not have anyone experienced or qualified to manage your social media presence, and few businesses can afford to hire a new employee for this highly specialized job. Many managers have a hard enough time keeping employees off of their personal Facebook pages. Creating engaging content takes time, and the simplest option is often bundling social media maintenance with other SEO services. Final thoughts Maintaining an online presence is sometimes viewed as a necessary cost
Facebook Pages Just Got a Lot More Customizable
Back in 2006, creating a Facebook Page was mind-numbingly simple. You picked your URL, uploaded a picture, filled out a few boxes, and that was it. Unlike its chief rival, MySpace, there was no mucking about with HTML, no picking the right animated backgrounds, no blinking green fonts to fine-tune. Of course, the flipside of that simplicity was a complete lack of control. Your page was indistinguishable from every other. White background, Helvetica, blue buttons, a simple newsfeed-type layout. Facebook has slowly been adding options to the mix the past few years. You still can’t create a true rotating-skull-gif masterpiece like you could on MySpace, but you can make your page more useful to your audience. This week, Facebook began rolling out a new batch of settings for pages. These new options are aimed squarely at marketers; they’re all about converting traffic into action (and paying Facebook for more action whenever possible). Here’s how to optimize your shiny new Facebook Page. #1: Brush up Your Images It’s not all “brave new world of tomorrow;” most of the changes are far enough under the hood that your casual traffic won’t notice them. Your trusty profile and cover photos are still the first thing people see: So now is a good time to give both images a once-over. Are they visually compelling? Are they the right size and resolution? Make sure you’re putting your best face forward. Your profile picture should be square, 170×170 pixels. The cover photo should be 851×315 pixels. Use a JPG for the cover photo if it has lots of color depth. For photos with large flat areas of color or lots of text, use PNG instead. If your images look good and your CTA button is ready to for action, you can start organizing your page. #2: Choose a Template First, head to the “Settings” button at the top of your screen. Then select “Edit Page”: Here’s where you can drill down into how your page looks to your potential audience. Start by having a look at the types of templates available. If you’re in a few very specific industries, Facebook has you covered for a preset look: • Shopping is for ecommerce sites. It highlights your products and encourages people to buy • Venues puts the focus on your upcoming events, hours, and location • Gaming highlights your fans, with a tab for Groups where fans can connect. • Politician encourages people to send messages, and features photos and videos your page shares • Professional Services has a “Call Now” CTA and puts your Services tab up at the top of the list • Restaurants & Cafés is designed to highlight your hours of operation, location and menu Each of these templates automatically rearranges your tabs and buttons. Before you choose one, take a look at the details to see which tabs are featured—if you pick a template that’s missing some of your current tabs, those tabs will disappear. In the incredibly likely event that your industry doesn’t fit neatly into one of these six templates, you can… #3: Rearrange Your Tabs (And Your Feed) Your page has a row of tabs on the left side that people can click to go straight to specific types of content. This is where you can make a huge difference in how your page looks and feels. In the new layout, the order of your tabs top to bottom determines the order content is displayed on your page. In other words: If you put the Photos tab at the top of the list, your latest pics will show right under your profile picture. If you put Events up top, visitors will see the event and your “Buy Tickets” CTA button first. You don’t have to pin one post and hope for the best! You can show viewers exactly what you want them to see! O, frabjous day. Put your most relevant content types at the top, and turn off tabs you don’t need: Make sure your most visible content will lead to the action that’s most valuable to your goals. If you’re raising awareness, photos or videos might be the top. If you’re keeping your audience up to date on news, keep your posts up top, etc. Note that Facebook will sometimes add a “Featured for You” box at the top of the feed for individual visitors, with content its almighty algorithms determined will be of most interest. #4: Take Advantage of the New Posting Templates The final change you will notice is a row of colorful boxes underneath your usual “Write something” post prompt: This is Facebook’s less-than-subtle way of clueing us into new post templates(and, of course, subtly encouraging specific types of posts). Each icon leads to a custom form you can fill out to quickly create ads, invite discussion, create events, and more. If none of the templates is appealing, just click in the “Write something” box to write a plain ol’ post, just like grandpa and grandma used to write. #5: See the Final Results Once you’re done customizing and adding new content, take a look at what your page looks like to visitors. Your view is full of buttons, tips and tools to help you funnel advertising cash to Facebook. If you log out completely, you can look at the page as a visitor—but the bottom half of the screen will have a big “Sign Up or Log In” banner. It can take some clicking around to find the “View as Visitor” option—it’s hiding in the “More” button just below your profile picture: Take a minute to look around and make sure your page is looking its best. Give Your Facebook a Facelift Even with these changes, Facebook Pages will never be confused with a properly-optimized, well-designed landing page. Still, you can exercise a lot more control now over how your audience encounters and interacts with your page. So brush up your images, get your tabs in order—and most importantly, keep serving up
How It Works: The Mechanics Of Affiliate Marketing
The Mechanics of Affiliate Marketing: So How Does It Work? There are many ways and many companies which provide affiliate partnerships, and becoming one can be as easy as applying for the partnership with that company. There are companies who do general affiliate partnerships like Amazon, and there are companies which do niche affiliate partnerships like makeup brands or clothing brands. Affiliate Marketing Step One – Sign Up Whether you’re wanting to promote for a specific niche, or just want to get started simply with a general audience, the first thing you’re going to want to do is sign up. Once you’ve decided the area of marketing you want, my advice is to pick a company you’ve purchased from before, who’s products you’re familiar with. The links to the affiliate application (if they have one) should be found at the bottom of the webpage, and once you’re there you’ll fill out the application and wait to hear back from them. Different sites have different requirements when it comes to experience level, so it’s best to look into their affiliate program before applying if you’re unsure. Affiliate Marketing Step Two – Promotion Once you’re accepted as an affiliate partner with the company, they should provide you with an affiliate link. When promoting their products – whether it be on a personal blog, webpage, or social media account – this link is what will identify you from the rest of the affiliate partners. You’ll find products you want to promote and find out as much as you can about them – even try them out for yourself first, if you want – and start promoting, using the affiliate link any time you mention the merchant on your page. Affiliate Marketing Step Three – Wait (Promotion Part Two) The link they provide you with does two things: It links potential customers who click it to the merchant’s website so they can begin shopping, and it drops cookies (small bits of information text that’s downloaded to your computer when visiting a site or clicking a link – ever wonder why an ad for a website you just left or visit frequently is also on the sidebar of social media sites or other sites you visit? This is the work of cookies.) to your computer with the affiliate’s link information. If a purchase is made on their site, the merchant checks for the affiliate’s cookie and logs the credit from the sale in accordance with the affiliate agreement. The credit will be different from company to company, and that information can be found in the Terms of Service you agree to when becoming an affiliate partner. Step Four – Payment There are three types of arrangements for payment of affiliate partners: Pay-Per-Sale, Pay-Per-Click, and Pay-Per-Lead. With Pay-per-sale, you get paid any time you send the merchant a customer who makes a purchase. Some companies pay a percentage of the sale, while others pay a set amount per sale. Pay-per-click arrangements pay you, the affiliate, based on the number of visitors you generate. They don’t have to purchase anything, and it doesn’t matter what they do once they get to the merchant’s site; they can basically click the link, wait for the page to load, and leave. And finally, pay-per-lead arrangements are paid based on visitors who sign up as leads, which means they fill out a form for more information on a specific product or service the merchant offers. The merchant will use the information gathered from each visit (cookies) and sale the affiliate generates to create a traffic report showing where (and what sites, if you have multiple) the traffic is coming from that you can use to build the sites generating the most revenue for you. Once the payment period is over (this is typically monthly, but some companies pay more frequently), you receive payment for the referred sales. Viola – you’re an affiliate marketer! Information To Help you in affiliate marketing While becoming an affiliate partner can be easy without a website, having a website that’s already fairly established can help quite a bit. Some merchants and companies with affiliate programs will accept potential affiliates with little to no experience, like Amazon Associates, but some others will want to see your sight before approving your application. They’ll want to see how you’ve promoted items in the past, how frequently you post, and once they approve you they’ll walk you through how their affiliate program works. After that, the opportunity is completely yours. The time and effort you put into it directly effects what you will make. Remember, though you’re partnered with a merchant or company, you’re essentially making your own hours and working for yourself, so don’t expect to get something for nothing. The more you promote, the more visibility you’ll get, and the more visibility you get, the more successful you’ll be. It’s all up to you.
Avoid Scams that Target Wahm’s Online Home Business
Women and Online Home Business Working from home is a fantastic way for moms to earn some extra money and still watch the children. Every woman who wants to become a Wahm has traveled down the same path. Unfortunately, that path is littered with scams and traps to take money and time from honest women looking to make money from home. Internet marketing is not dangerous by itself but with a little common sense and extra research, you can find legitimate work at home opportunities without getting scammed. The first step is to search for jobs in the right places. Don’t simply click on ads to find work. Try to find helpful groups of Wahms who have successful work at home jobs to guide your search. You can try searching on message boards or finding e-mail groups for ideas of where to start your work at home job search. Many of these women can give you insight into which work at home opportunities are actually worth your time. Online Marketing Scams Keep in mind that there are no real ways to get rich quick on the Internet or by working at home. The only people who get rich are those who are scamming others. Never believe an ad or an ’employer’ who claims that you will get rich instantly. There are also a few red flags to look for when you are searching for Internet jobs. You should never have to pay for work or job lists. There are plenty of free listings available that can provide tons of work at home opportunities. Companies that want to charge you for lists of jobs are just trying to get your money. The lists are often filled with dead job leads, or lists of companies that want to charge you money. Many work at home scams will also require you to pay a start-up fee or cover the cost of ‘necessary’ training. Again, legitimate jobs will never require you to pay them any money for you to work. Another warning sign is if the ad or website tells you to ‘Act NOW!’ You should always do research before joining an online business company and never feel pressured to make a decision right away. Many websites are set up with text that says that the offer will expire on today’s date. But if you revisit that website the next day, the ad says that the offer expires on that day. If you are unsure about a company, do some research on the Better Business Bureau website. The BBB has files on all businesses that have had complaints filed against them. You can see what other people have to say about a particular company and be steered away from scams. Be advised: Scammer’s Internet Marketing Guide There are some scams that have been around for years that should be avoided at all costs. These online Home business scams have unfortunately been successful for the scammers, so they continue to take the money and time of hardworking Wahms. If you see an offer for any of the following types of jobs, run the other way. Envelope stuffing is a common scam, although it is being seen less and less these days. These jobs are normally listed as mail service jobs, and then you are asked to pay for a start up kit. After you receive a start up kit, you are given instructions to place your own work at home ads. You basically just sell the start up kit to other people and become a scammer. Craft assembly scams can take many forms. Typically, you receive a set of crafts to complete with instructions. You generally pay for the set and then are told you will be reimbursed for the kits and also paid for their assembly. After working hard at assembling the kits and returning them, you will be told that your work is not up to their quality standards. You will be out the cost of the kits, and they will sell your crafts anyway. There are legitimate jobs out there for Wahms, but you have to do some research on the opportunities first. If you do your research and are careful, you can successfully work from home and never be scammed. My Best Wishes José Franc Admin of
Baidu becomes Google’s biggest ally in mobile page speed
Chinese search engine Baidu will soon support Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in its search results, expanding the reach of AMP significantly. Columnist Hermas Ma believes the worldwide impact on mobile page speed will be notable. The breaking news came on March 7, 2017, that Baidu is now supporting Google’s mobile framework, AMP. The tech leader of Baidu MIP, Gao Lei, gave a speech at Google’s first AMP conference in New York. He confirmed that Baidu is working hand-in-hand with Google to accelerate the faster web globally. Baidu MIP, which stands for Mobile Instant Pages, is Baidu’s own version of Google’s AMP. The technologies of MIP are very similar to AMP. In fact, coding an MIP page is just like coding an AMP page, except MIP pages are more customized and optimized for the browsers in the market of mainland China. Baidu says that a Mobile Instant Page can reduce the rendering of above-the-fold content by 30 percent to 80 percent. Moreover, the tap-to-open rate will increase by 5 percent to 40 percent. And similar to Google, Baidu has been considering potentially giving the MIP pages a ranking advantage in search results. The two search engine giants are collaborating for the first time to tackle the problems of slow pages and unfriendly user experiences on mobile devices. Lei says that they are trying to avoid websites investing redundant resources to adopt both AMP and MIP. This implies that the future of AMP and MIP may look even more identical; that said, a one-for-all global mobile framework could be in the making. Baidu certainly is not going to abort its MIP project and replace it with Google’s AMP, as there have been over 1 billion MIP pages indexed by Baidu already. We have yet to confirm with Baidu exactly what they have aligned with Google, and how. They say that there are still technical issues to solve. However, Baidu has confirmed that users can eventually open an AMP page from a Baidu SERP. We don’t know how they plan to do this, whether by opening the AMP pages directly from the SERP or translating them into MIP pages. At Merkle China, we’ve already seen Google and Baidu taking the first steps. Prior to the announcement, the AMP Project website could not be loaded successfully in mainland China. I could only dial on a VPN to check the reference on However, all links are now accessible. When we check the CDN, we see Google enabled the CDN for China, and it loads extremely fast! Given that most AMP traffic originates from Google organic SERPs, it wouldn’t have make sense for AMP documentation to be available in mainland China prior to the announcement. But now developers within the Great Firewall will be able to view and implement this documentation in preparation for Baidu’s support of this framework. This collaboration will certainly benefit mobile internet users, who will be able to enjoy hyper speed on their devices. Of course, it will also benefit brands that want to build a larger presence in mainland China. It is unclear whether users out of the Great Firewall can open an MIP page from a Google SERP; that will depend on whether Google decides to provide support MIP in its search results or accept the customized MIP pages as AMP pages.
5 Qualities For Affiliate Marketing
More and more people these days are turning to one of the most popular businesses around – the business of affiliate marketing. In this business, there are no bosses, deadlines to meet, or piles of work that have to be finished by the end of the day. In order to succeed, you only need the necessary tools. There are basically five things you can’t do without if you want to make it in the business of affiliate marketing. Below, you’ll find each quality you’ll need. 1.An Affiliate must Desire to learn The first quality you must possess is the desire to learn, coupled with the willingness to be trained. Treading through unfamiliar territory is tough indeed, especially if your lacking the right knowledge. This is a combination of the right frame of mind, coupled with a strong work ethic. When starting out, you’ll need to be willing to keep your eyes and ears open, using the experience of others to learn more as you go. 2.An Affiliate must Invest time and effort The second quality you must have is the willingness to invest time and effort in helping your business grow, even if you don’t see immediate results. Even though weeks may pass without hearing good news, it’s very important for anyone who wants to get their foot in the business world. 3.An Affiliate must have Determination The third quality you’ll need is determination. If you want to make it in the world of affiliate marketing, you must possess to push yourself forward. The ability to push yourself to greater heights will determine what type of future you have. 4.An Affiliate must have Discipline The fourth quality is self discipline. If you teach yourself to work everyday with all of your heart and soul, you’ll be that much closer to reaching your goals and making your dreams come true. 5.An Affiliate must have Optimism The last quality you must have is optimism. Bad attitudes should never discourage an affiliate marketer from pursuing their dreams in order to make life better for themselves or anyone around them. The attitude you have towards the business should always be good, because you’ll have to realize that you’re the captain of your ship and your the one steering it towards destiny. If you put the above tips to good use, you’ll go farther than you ever thought possible in the world of affiliate marketing. You’ll need these qualities to succeed, as affiliate marketing can be a cutting edge career. With the above qualities, you’ll do just fine in the industry. My Best Wishes José Franc Admin of